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Wie kennis deelt, deelt succes.

Done by Friday launch a new campaign for Mediafin to target SME’s that want to grow. The campaign introduces Mediafin’s brand-new subscription package ‘Business Flex Pack’.

The new formula from De Tijd/L’Echo gives the opportunity to an entire SME team to gain access to reliable and relevant business news. This ranges from in-depth analyses of business tools to daily podcasts. In short, it provides employees with valuable business information that they can immediately put to work.

For the campaign, Done by Friday collaborated with photographer Filip van Roe to depict three recognizable scenes emphasizing the importance of sharing knowledge. The campaign is widely launched through a mix of print and online media channels.

Done By Friday kon alle uitdagingen de baas, waardoor deze eerste samenwerking verbazend vlot is blijven lopen van concept tot oplevering. Hun flexibiliteit, professionalisme en drive hebben gezorgd voor een campagne met true staying power!” says Sam Van Gerwen, Marketing Manager B2C from Mediafin.

Discover how your business can gain a head start with De Tijd here.

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