Antwerpse bakkersunie | De zak van Sinterklaas

We all heard of de zak van Sinterklaas, but do you know what’s in his “BROODZAK”? For a week, kids and their families, living in the province of Antwerp, could guess what was in his bread bag. In several funny videos, Sinterklaas gave some clues to guide you to what was in it.

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To spread the message that the first LEGO Discovery Centre (LDC) was about to open its doors in Brussels we launched a “content first” campaign to let families discover the power of creative play! 

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Politiezone Antwerpen | Verkeerscampagne

Urban traffic is becoming busier and more complex, and road users are becoming increasingly intolerant. That is why Politie Antwerpen and Stad Antwerpen worked with us on a creative campaign that responds to the different problems, target groups, locations and means of transport.

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